“Uniting South Indian Real estate fraternity under one roof – Real Estate the right ROI for you.”
South India has been ignored much of the time, but we want to showcase South India’s Properties to the world, we have few of the most beautiful, picturesque landscape in India. A property market that has been on a slow but upward trend in the past few years.
Make the right Choice, attend the event and enjoy the benefits. We invite private & institutional investors to attend and take part at this event to access great offers direct from the developers & builders. Attend the First ever South Indian Real EstateXpo, Choose from our list of Sponsors and Exhibitors to avail gauranteed cash backs of upto 1 Lakh on your Purchase. Uniting South Indian Real estate fraternity under one roof, properties galore from all corners of South India available under one roof. Andhra Pradesh, Odisha, Kerala, Tamil Nadu are the Next Growth Corridor for Investments.